Upload secure and large files to Hawsons

Uploads are encrypted both in transit and in storage

Upload secure and large files

Please select the office from the ‘Choose Recipient’ drop-down, enter your email address and other details in the boxes below, select your files and click the Upload Files button. Once uploaded, the files are marked “uploaded” and we will receive an email notifying us of your upload.

Note, depending upon your computer settings, you may need to scroll down to view and click on the Upload files button.

To view the progress of your upload it is recommended you temporarily disable pop-up blockers.

Please note:
All boxes marked with a * must be completed before you can select your files to upload.
To select your files, you can drag and drop them onto the web page or drag the vertical slider and select ‘Browse files’.
Once your files are selected click the Upload button.

Contact us for upload help

Charles Kavazy 1

Charles Kavazy

Director of IT Services
