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Cyber security – how to make your law firm safe
Cyber security – how to make your law firm safe

Cyber security - how to make your law firm safe The COLPs, partners and practice managers of law firms hardly need reminding of the risks of data loss and the potential financial cost and reputational damage which can arise. Data breaches are regularly reported in the...

Capital or Revenue expenditure? A brief discussion

Should a client face an enquiry from HMRC into their tax return and accounts, a common area that is reviewed is any deduction that may have been claimed in the accounts for repairs and renewals. This arises because whilst a repair to an asset is an allowable item of...

Preparing for your GP CQC Inspection
Preparing for your GP CQC Inspection

New style inspections of GP practices and out-of-hours services at England started in the back end of 2014 and have lead to the first ever ratings of practices, which may be 'Outstanding', 'Good', 'Requires Improvement' or 'Inadequate'. Effective April 2015, GP...

The big pension changes and how they impact you
The big pension changes and how they impact you

The big pension changes and how they impact you The pension world is changing! Even if you are years away from retirement, the pensions reforms are going to have a big impact on your future and millions could end up worse off than under existing rules. It is therefore...

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Cyber security – how to make your law firm safe
Cyber security – how to make your law firm safe

Cyber security - how to make your law firm safe The COLPs, partners and practice managers of law firms hardly need reminding of the risks of data loss and the potential financial cost and reputational damage which can arise. Data breaches are regularly reported in the...

Capital or Revenue expenditure? A brief discussion

Should a client face an enquiry from HMRC into their tax return and accounts, a common area that is reviewed is any deduction that may have been claimed in the accounts for repairs and renewals. This arises because whilst a repair to an asset is an allowable item of...

Preparing for your GP CQC Inspection
Preparing for your GP CQC Inspection

New style inspections of GP practices and out-of-hours services at England started in the back end of 2014 and have lead to the first ever ratings of practices, which may be 'Outstanding', 'Good', 'Requires Improvement' or 'Inadequate'. Effective April 2015, GP...