GP contract changes criticised by the profession

Mar 21, 2022
Scott is the partner responsible for looking after the firm’s healthcare and medical sector clients. Scott also specialises in advising small businesses.
GP contract changes

Health leaders have been criticised by GP’s for pushing through contract changes without the backing from the profession.


What are these changes?

On 1st March, NHS England published a letter highlighting changes to the 2022/23 GP contract. There are two main changes. The first was that at least 25% of all appointments should be available for online booking. The second is that full services should be delivered from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays across all primary care networks.


Why is NHS England being criticised for this?

The BMA has said that these changes ‘ignores appeals for additional support and could lead to long waiting times for patients’. The changes in this contract only adds work and doesn’t offer any additional support. They have been accused of trying to ‘demoralise and destroy’ general practice.


How will this change affect the future of GP?

GP’s have also said that this contract update would increase the number of doctors seriously consider quitting the job or at least reducing their hours, including partners. Especially those GP’s that work in a Primary Care Network and don’t want to work on Saturdays.

In a recent indicative BMA ballot of 1,700 GP practices, 58% said they were prepared to pull out of being a Primary Care Network at the next opt-out period. Furthermore, 39% said that they would be willing to disengage before then.

Knock on effects of this contract change could increase privatisation of the NHS. Many fear that the NHS will only become more and more privatised like dentistry where you have to pay.


How can we help?

At Hawsons our dedicated team of GP accountants offer a specialist service to GPs and their practices, utilising our in-depth knowledge and experience in the sector.

We are up to date with the changes in the health service and recognise the need for doctors to devote maximum time to patient care. We strongly believe that through the use of our specialist knowledge and expertise this can be achieved.

Free initial meeting

Scott Sanderson

Partner, Sheffield

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