Skills & employment could help hospitality realise potential

Nov 23, 2022
Author: David Owens
David has a general practice portfolio of varying sizes. David specialises in advising businesses in the leisure and hospitality sector.
Hospitality skills

The trade body, UKHospitality has said that implementing an employment and skills strategy would help the sector realise its true potential.


Hospitality vacancies are falling

Recent statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed that vacancies in food service activities and accommodation decreased by 15,000 in the third quarter of this year (July – September 2022). It is important to note in the previous quarter (April – June 2022) that there was a record 173,000 vacancies.


Recruitment issues in hospitality are preventing growth

Despite the fact that vacancies have decreased in the last quarter, this was from record levels. Experts in the hospitality industry have said that the amount of vacancies in the sector is preventing its ability to grow. However, steps have been taken to help attract new employees into hospitality such as increased wages, better training, flexible working and more development opportunities. Although all of these employee experience improvements have been implemented, it is going to be extremely difficult for the hospitality sector to continue reducing its vacancy numbers. The current employment rate is historically low at 3.5% in August 2022 (the lowest level since 1974). In addition to this, statisticians have found that the number of economically inactive working-age adults in the UK is also increasing. This means that there is a smaller pool of people looking for employment in the UK. Such low unemployment levels is increasing the competitiveness between sectors in terms of recruitment. This is making it more difficult for the hospitality sector to attract more employees.



To conclude, UK hospitality vacancies have decreased from a record level in the third quarter of 2022. However, vacancies in the sector are still very high which is preventing the hospitality’s sector ability to grow. Furthermore, an extremely low unemployment rate in the UK is making it even more difficult for the hospitality sector to recruit due to a smaller pool of people looking for work.


How can we help?

Hawsons has a dedicated team of specialist leisure and hospitality accountants in Sheffield, Doncaster and Northampton.

As the sector continues to become ever more challenging, with changes in fierce global, nation and regional competition leading to unrelenting pressures to maintain margins, it is more crucial than ever to seek sound and proactive advice.

At Hawsons our dedicated team of specialist hotel, pub and restaurant accountants offer professionals advice and guidance that is tailored to their individual needs and requirements, providing a full range of proactive services.

More from our leisure and hospitality experts

You can find all of our latest hospitality sector news and newsletters here.

If you are looking for advice in a particular area, please get in touch with your usual Hawsons contact.

Alternatively, we offer all new clients a free initial meeting to have a discussion about their own personal circumstances – find out more or book your free initial meeting here. We have offices in Sheffield, Doncaster and Northampton.

David Owens

Partner, Northampton

Scott Sanderson

Partner, Sheffield

Dan Wood

Partner, Doncaster

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