£550m raised through JustGiving for UK charities in 2023

Jan 8, 2024
Author: Simon Bladen
Simon is one of the firm's Audit Partners. Simon is responsible for looking after the firm’s legal, charitable and not-for-profit clients.
£550m raised through just giving for UK charities in 2023

The fundraising platform JustGiving has announced that over £550m was raised for nearly 20,000 UK Charities through their platform in 2023. This is based on data provided by JustGiving which was taken from 1 January to 15 December 2023. This data only related to donations made through the platform to UK-based charities only.

When compared to 2022, JustGiving saw two million more donations to UK charities in 2023 and 950,000 JustGiving fundraising pages setup overall which is 9% more than the previous year. Charities that received the most donations through the platform in 2023 were those that were related to cancer, children and mental health. Finally, 3.5 million donated via JustGiving on multiple occasions.


What were the interesting fundraising trends on JustGiving in 2023?

  • Friday was the most popular day of the week to donate to charity.
  • Running, walking, cycling and swimming were the most popular fundraising activities.
  • Skydiving fundraising challenges increased by 40% compared to 2022
  • Norwich was the most generous area for donating to charitable causes through the platform.


Fundraising is a key source of funding for charities

These figures demonstrate that fundraising through online platforms such as JustGiving is a key source of funding for charities. The goodwill of individuals that sacrifice their time and effort to organise fundraising activities provides charities with more funding to continue delivering vital services to our communities.

More from our charity experts

You can find all of our latest charity sector news and newsletters here.

If you are looking for advice in a particular area, please get in touch with your usual Hawsons contact.

Alternatively, we offer all new clients a free initial meeting to have a discussion about their own personal circumstances – find out more or book your free initial meeting here. We have offices in Sheffield, Doncaster and Northampton.

Simon Bladen



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