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Formal volunteering falls to an all-time low
Formal volunteering falls to an all-time low

A recent analysis by Pro Bono Economics (PBE) has found that rates of formal volunteering have reached an all-time low as 40% of charities report that volunteering numbers have been insufficient to enable them to meet their main objectives in the last 12 months. Small...

Differences between business and charity accounts
Differences between business and charity accounts

Navigating the financial landscape can be complex, especially when it comes to managing accounts for different types of organisation. While both business and charity financial reporting is essential for their respective entities, they serve distinct purposes and...

Top Law Firm Accounting Tips

Accounting is a fundamental pillar of measuring a successful law firm. Law firms, have unique financial considerations that require careful attention to ensure compliance with regulations and business performance. From managing client funds to handling operational...

Is succession in law firms still a very real problem?

Succession in law firms is very real problem in the UK The age profile of the legal sector is increasing. The huge wave of legal practitioners who entered the market 30 or 40 years ago are today of an age when they begin to contemplate phasing down or retiring...

What is an Audit?

An independent party conducts an audit to investigate a company’s financial report. The audit aims to provide assurance (different from a guarantee) that the financial statements are true and fair according to the relevant financial reporting framework. Typically,...

Alternative Sources of Charity Funding

The Importance of Diverse Funding In the UK, charities play a key role in supporting communities, addressing issues within our society and changing people’s lives for the better. But for charities to be able to deliver these vital services they need to be able to...

£550m raised through JustGiving for UK charities in 2023

The fundraising platform JustGiving has announced that over £550m was raised for nearly 20,000 UK Charities through their platform in 2023. This is based on data provided by JustGiving which was taken from 1 January to 15 December 2023. This data only related to...

Formal volunteering falls to an all-time low
Formal volunteering falls to an all-time low

A recent analysis by Pro Bono Economics (PBE) has found that rates of formal volunteering have reached an all-time low as 40% of charities report that volunteering numbers have been insufficient to enable them to meet their main objectives in the last 12 months. Small...

Differences between business and charity accounts
Differences between business and charity accounts

Navigating the financial landscape can be complex, especially when it comes to managing accounts for different types of organisation. While both business and charity financial reporting is essential for their respective entities, they serve distinct purposes and...