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Government opens Patent Box Tax Relief consultation
Government opens Patent Box Tax Relief consultation

Government opens Patent Box Tax Relief consultation  On 1 April 2013 the UK government introduced the Patent Box Tax regime which aims to provide tax breaks for companies which commercialise patents or develop new innovative patented products, processes or services....

SME tax corner – the good, the bad & the PAYE!
SME tax corner – the good, the bad & the PAYE!

Welcome to our third edition of the SME tax corner. In this month's SME tax corner we look at what's changed in the world of tax for small businesses. Good: Minimising tax by spreading income around the family Owner-managed companies often seek to minimise the tax...

Where are the drivers of the future for transport?
Where are the drivers of the future for transport?

Just 2% of all HGV drivers are under 25 - where are the drivers of the future for transport & logistics? It is fair to say that over the last few years there has been a shortage in the number of young drivers entering the transport & logistics sector. A report...

Booming conveyancing market on the up again
Booming conveyancing market on the up again

Booming conveyancing market on the up again Safe as houses, as the old saying goes. As the housing market continues to recover following the devastating blow it was dealt during the 2008 recession, the conveyancing market is once again on the up. Conveyancing has...

Technology in UK farming – a new era?
Technology in UK farming – a new era?

Is there a place for technology in UK farming? Whether you run a small farm with a few chickens or have a herd of a thousand livestock, it is time to start considering the implications of technology in UK farming, before you fall behind. Unpredictable markets, erratic...

Minimising tax by spreading income around the family
Minimising tax by spreading income around the family

Have you considered minimising tax by spreading income around the family? Owner-managed companies often seek to minimise the tax position of shareholder-directors by involving members of the same family and using personal reliefs and lower rate tax bands of each...

PAYE update for small businesses
PAYE update for small businesses

The introduction of the National Living Wage The government has announced the introduction of a new National Living Wage (NLW) for working people aged 25 years and above from April 2016. Initially the NLW is set at £7.20, which is 50p above the current National...

What the PMS funding changes mean for your practice
What the PMS funding changes mean for your practice

What the PMS funding changes mean for your practice The PMS funding changes – part of the national drive for equitable funding – may see a large number of redundancies, reduced service offerings and even practice closures over the next few years. Reviews in one CCG...

Challenges for charities in 2015/16
Challenges for charities in 2015/16

What are the challenges for charities in 2015/16? See our latest charity challenges article here. Although not all charities have seen an improvement in their financial performance amidst a backdrop of economic uncertainty, the picture remains largely positive....

Government opens Patent Box Tax Relief consultation
Government opens Patent Box Tax Relief consultation

Government opens Patent Box Tax Relief consultation  On 1 April 2013 the UK government introduced the Patent Box Tax regime which aims to provide tax breaks for companies which commercialise patents or develop new innovative patented products, processes or services....

SME tax corner – the good, the bad & the PAYE!
SME tax corner – the good, the bad & the PAYE!

Welcome to our third edition of the SME tax corner. In this month's SME tax corner we look at what's changed in the world of tax for small businesses. Good: Minimising tax by spreading income around the family Owner-managed companies often seek to minimise the tax...

Where are the drivers of the future for transport?
Where are the drivers of the future for transport?

Just 2% of all HGV drivers are under 25 - where are the drivers of the future for transport & logistics? It is fair to say that over the last few years there has been a shortage in the number of young drivers entering the transport & logistics sector. A report...