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Is the future with self-driving trucks?
Is the future with self-driving trucks?

Is Self-driving trucks the future? The technology driving the ongoing developments of self-driving trucks is certainly not new, but given the shortage of drivers entering the sector, the continuing need to reduce environmental footprint, the likely substantial safety...

Managing succession in the legal sector
Managing succession in the legal sector

Managing succession in the legal sector Law firms, just like any other business, must make preparations and plan ahead for succession. Thorough and proactive succession planning is critical to ensuring the long-term sustainability of any law firm. Succession planning...

Are we ready to embrace technology in care homes?
Are we ready to embrace technology in care homes?

Are we ready to embrace technology in care homes? The number of care homes embracing technology to improve the quality of life for residents, attract new private clients or reduce administrative burdens on staff is growing. Is the sector now fully accepting technology...

Retaining retail staff using bonus schemes
Retaining retail staff using bonus schemes

Retaining retail staff using bonus schemes Arguably one of the biggest challenges facing the sector is retaining retail staff and the associated costs involved through high staff turnover. Staff turnover in the retail industry has been, and still is, very high and is...

Self assessment deadline close – are you ready?
Self assessment deadline close – are you ready?

Are you ready for the fast approaching self assessment deadline of 31 January 2016? Any self assessment returns that are filed after 31 January - regardless of whether there is tax to pay - will be subject to a £100 late return fine. Longer delays will likely result...

SME manufacturers ‘missing out’ on £25bn
SME manufacturers ‘missing out’ on £25bn

Could SME manufacturers be making more money than they are? The Exact 2015 SME Cloud Barometer – an independent research study of almost 3,000 SME leaders across the UK, the US, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium – has indicated that small and medium-sized...

Farming – reduce tax bills (AIA) or keep cash reserves?
Farming – reduce tax bills (AIA) or keep cash reserves?

Farming - reduce tax bills (AIA) or keep cash reserves? The Chancellor announced in the Summer 2015 Budget that the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) will be set permanently at £200,000 from 1 January 2016 – welcome news for the farming sector, as we covered in our...

Gift aid payments from trading arms to the parent charity
Gift aid payments from trading arms to the parent charity

Gift Aid There is a lot happening with Gift Aid at the moment and it is important that charities keep on top of the issue. If you haven’t already, please sign-up to receive our charity e-news and we will keep you updated with any ongoing developments. Update to CC35:...

Is the future with self-driving trucks?
Is the future with self-driving trucks?

Is Self-driving trucks the future? The technology driving the ongoing developments of self-driving trucks is certainly not new, but given the shortage of drivers entering the sector, the continuing need to reduce environmental footprint, the likely substantial safety...

Managing succession in the legal sector
Managing succession in the legal sector

Managing succession in the legal sector Law firms, just like any other business, must make preparations and plan ahead for succession. Thorough and proactive succession planning is critical to ensuring the long-term sustainability of any law firm. Succession planning...

Are we ready to embrace technology in care homes?
Are we ready to embrace technology in care homes?

Are we ready to embrace technology in care homes? The number of care homes embracing technology to improve the quality of life for residents, attract new private clients or reduce administrative burdens on staff is growing. Is the sector now fully accepting technology...